Revelation Bible Quiz

Revelation Bible Quiz

Q 1➤ He made it known by sending his ..... to his servant John?

Q 2➤ even to ..... that he saw.?

Q 3➤ for the time is....?

Q 4➤ and I .... behind me a loud voice like a trumpet?

Q 5➤ His eyes were like a flame of .....?

Q 6➤ I know your.....?

Q 7➤ But I have this

Q 8➤ Yet this you.....?

Q 9➤ I will ..... to eat of the tree of life?

Q 10➤ Yet you hold fast my.....?

Q 11➤ I will come to you .....?

Q 12➤ let him ..... what the Spirit says to the churches.'?

Q 13➤ I have ..... before you an open door?

Q 14➤ I will make him a ...... in the temple of my God?

Q 15➤ Those whom I ....?

Q 16➤ What was opened in heaven?

Q 17➤ What was there about the rhrone?

Q 18➤ Four beast full of...

Q 19➤ How many elders fall down?

Q 20➤ For thy what they were created?

Q 21➤ Sealed with..... Seals

Q 22➤ The.... Of the tribe of Judah

Q 23➤ Thou worth to take the...

Q 24➤ Worthy is the..

Q 25➤ There the noise of a ..

Q 26➤ How many verse are there in 6th chapter?

Q 27➤ A pale horse who sat on him the name was?

Q 28➤ Everyone hide themselves in?

Q 29➤ For the great day of?

Q 30➤ Who standing on the four corners of the earth?

Q 31➤ And cried with a loud voice, saying, ..... to our God.

Q 32➤ Who shall wipe away all tears from their eyes?

Q 33➤ And made them white In the ......of the Lamb?

Q 34➤ There was silence in heaven for?

Q 35➤ Smoke of incense came with prayers of....

Q 36➤ There fell a great.... From heaven

Q 37➤ Third part of.. ... Was smitten

Q 38➤ Voices of the ... ..of three angels?

Q 39➤ And to him was given

Q 40➤ How many verses are there in 9th chapter

Q 41➤ In Greek, hath his name

Q 42➤ I saw the... In vision

Q 43➤ For their power in in their...

Q 44➤ ....... ..Was upon his head?

Q 45➤ How many..... Uttered voices?

Q 46➤ How many verses are there in 10th chapter?

Q 47➤ Voice I heared from...

Q 48➤ Thou must....

Q 49➤ Holy city shall ten's underfoot

Q 50➤ They have power to...... Heaven

Q 51➤ These are the place were put Lord was....

Q 52➤ How many sat before God?

Q 53➤ Who stood

Q 54➤ They shall see their dead bodies how many days

Q 55➤ They ascended upto heaven in a

Q 56➤ The temple of God was opened in...

Q 57➤ How many verses are there in 12th chater

Q 58➤ A woman clothed with

Q 59➤ Therefore...... Ur heavens

Q 60➤ And.... Cast out of his mouth water as a flood

Q 61➤ Keep commandments of.... Testimony of....

Q 62➤ How many people were with the Lamb ?

Q 63➤ Then I Saw another sign in heaven great and amazing seven angels with seven ________________.

Q 64➤ The book of revelation was written by _________

Q 65➤ And they sing the song of __________, the servant of God, and the song of the ____________

Q 66➤ "Who will not fear, O Lord ,and glorify your name? for you alone are ______.

Q 67➤ Total no of verses in chapter 14, 15 ........?

Q 68➤ What was written on their foreheads ?

Q 69➤ Place where John written the book of Revelation ?

Q 70➤ The wrath of.... Upon the earth..

Q 71➤ I heard the angel of the..... Says

Q 72➤ What are thy judgements?

Q 73➤ Every stone weight of a....

Q 74➤ So he carried me away in the

Q 75➤ And on forehead written about which city

Q 76➤ The have.... Mind

Q 77➤ These shall make war with.

Q 78➤ After these things I saw another angel coming down from heaven and the_________was illuminated with his glory

Q 79➤ What did the angel cry_______

Q 80➤ The Merchants of earth have become rich through the abundance of her____________

Q 81➤ Therefore the Plagues will come ____ day??

Q 82➤ Total Number of Verses in Chapter 19??

Q 83➤ Salvation and Glory and Honor and Power belong to ________our _____!!!

Q 84➤ And the ________elders and the ________living creatures fell down and worshiped God.

Q 85➤ And his eyes were like a flame of____??

Q 86➤ And all the______ were filled with their flesh.

Q 87➤ He laid hold on....

Q 88➤ The Devil deceived them was cast into the lake of.

Q 89➤ And whosoever was not found written in the book of

Q 90➤ And I saw New..... And New......

Q 91➤ I am...... And....

Q 92➤ And the city had no need of

Q 93➤ Whose names written in book of....

Q 94➤ And he showed me a pure river of .....

Q 95➤ God shall add