1st, 2nd and 3rd John Bible Quiz

1st,2nd,3rd John Bible Quiz

1st John Questions

Q 1➤ which we have ......?

Q 2➤ the ..... was made manifest?

Q 3➤ But if we walk in the ......?

Q 4➤ If we say we have no.....?

Q 5➤ he is faithful and just to forgive us ... sins ?

Q 6➤ Whoever says "I know......" ?

Q 7➤ the ..... is not in him?

Q 8➤ whoever keeps his.....?

Q 9➤ I am writing you no ..... commandment ?

Q 10➤ I am writing to you, little.....?

Q 11➤ Do not love the.....?

Q 12➤ God is greater than our .....?

Q 13➤ he knows ......?

Q 14➤ love one .....?

Q 15➤ Whoever keeps his commandments abides in him, and he ..... them?

Q 16➤ but .... the spirits to see whether they are from God?

Q 17➤ for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the?

Q 18➤ the world listens to .....?

Q 19➤ because God is ......?

Q 20➤ There is no ..... in love?

Q 21➤ We love because he ..... loved us?

Q 22➤ For there are ..... that testify?

Q 23➤ that God gave us eternal.....?

Q 24➤ God will ..... him life?

Q 25➤ he who was born of God protects him, and the evil one does not .... him.?

2nd John questions

Q 26➤ Grace, mercy, and peace will be with....?

Q 27➤ so that you should ..... in it?

Q 28➤ Watch......?

Q 29➤ If anyone ..... to you ?

Q 30➤ Instead I hope to come to you and talk face to face, so that our ..... may be complete. ?

3rd John Questions

Q 31➤ I pray that all may go ..... with you ?

Q 32➤ as indeed you are walking in the ......?

Q 33➤ I have no ...... joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.....?

Q 34➤ it is a faithful thing you do in all your efforts for these ......?

Q 35➤ So if I .....?