James Bible Quiz

James Bible Quiz

Q 1➤ Count it all ....?

Q 2➤ let steadfastness have its ..... effect?

Q 3➤ But let him ..... in faith?

Q 4➤ Do not be deceived, my beloved .....?

Q 5➤ But let...... Have perfect work.

Q 6➤ Whose mind if unstable in all ways?

Q 7➤ You sit here in a good....?

Q 8➤ you are doing...?

Q 9➤ You shall love ..... neighbor as yourself?

Q 10➤ Go in .....?

Q 11➤ Abraham believed......?

Q 12➤ he was called a ...... of God ?

Q 13➤ Who believed God?

Q 14➤ Body without spirit is .......

Q 15➤ he is a perfect......?

Q 16➤ we ..... their whole bodies as well.?

Q 17➤ selfish ambition in your .....?

Q 18➤ there will be disorder and ...... vile practice.?

Q 19➤ If any man not offend in word is a... Man

Q 20➤ Wisdom that formed from above is....

Q 21➤ You desire and do not ......?

Q 22➤ because you do not .....?

Q 23➤ Draw near to God, and he will draw near to ....?

Q 24➤ your ..... to gloom?

Q 25➤ Humble yourselves ..... the Lord ?

Q 26➤ Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a....?

Q 27➤ Submit yourselves to ...

Q 28➤ But knowing good not forth Also....

Q 29➤ Name the person who. Prayed and rain stopped and again. Rain came?

Q 30➤ Be .......?

Q 31➤ so that you ..... be judged?

Q 32➤ do not .....?

Q 33➤ Is ...... among you suffering?