1st Peter Bible Quiz

1st Peter Bible Quiz

Q 1➤ Peter is an Apostle of.......

Q 2➤ The trail of your

Q 3➤ As a Lamb without

Q 4➤ Purified the soul by obeying the ......

Q 5➤ What endure the forever?

Q 6➤ The Lord is..

Q 7➤ But you are chosen......

Q 8➤ Fear..... Honour...

Q 9➤ By whose...... We are healed

Q 10➤ With out the word of god with whart can wife's won?

Q 11➤ Give honour unto...

Q 12➤ For the eyes of the Lord in........

Q 13➤ Preached to the spirits in the

Q 14➤ On the right hand of God who are their?

Q 15➤ Who sufferd for us in flesh?

Q 16➤ Live according to .....in spirit

Q 17➤ Who suffers as a Christan Let him...... God

Q 18➤ Righteous scarcely be.....

Q 19➤ When Cheif shepherd appear you will receive a crown of.....

Q 20➤ The church that is at....

Q 21➤ ....... Be with you all that are in Christ

Q 22➤ Having your conversation ....among the Gentiles

Q 23➤ Receiving the end of your

Q 24➤ Even Sara obeyed..

Q 25➤ End of all things is at...

Q 26➤ Time is come that judgement begin at house of...